VYPE was able to speak with Tahlequah golfer Ryan Dark to learn about his athletic career.
VYPE: What are your personal goals for the year?
RD: I’m trying to get the opportunity to walk on to the Arkansas Tech golf team.
VYPE: What is the most fun you have had in the last year?
RD: The day before the state tournament at The Territory golf course we got to do a practice round
to get used to the course and figure out how to play it and it was a lot of fun to play with all my
teammates for the day and just enjoy ourselves on such a nice course.
VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade, and why?
RD: Probably Coach Baker. He is always fun to talk to and is very very knowledgeable in all aspects
of golf and always helped when asked.
VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?
RD: Probably this past year, the whole thing was just very fun.
VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?
RD: Probably Cade Mashburn. He’s just always got a very level head which was something I struggled with out on the course, although Jack Vance is the same way and left an impression because of it as well.
VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on this team?
RD: Practices were always fun, it always felt like just me hanging out with friends and never felt like a chore because of all my teammates.
VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation. Where do you go, and who do you
take with you?
RD: Probably somewhere in Europe like Ireland to experience the golf courses, and I would probably
bring my dad or step dad since they got me into golf.
VYPE: If we gave you $500 and you had to spend it in the next 24 hours, what would you spend it on?
RD: Video games or golf clubs honestly.
VYPE: Do you participate in any community service projects?
RD: No big projects, but I did volunteer at a local thrift store and some events for things like National Honors Society.
VYPE: What Clubs or Campus groups are you involved with and why?
RD: I wasn’t really involved in any clubs, just spent most of my time outside of school either with friends or working.
VYPE: Are you involved in academic excellence activities such as the National Honor
Society, Student Council, or other academic clubs?
RD: I was a member of National Honors Society for all four years of high school.